Raising Your Children To Know God! A Seven Day Study.
Hey Christian Mama!
*Do you ever feel like you need a few tips on how to integrate more talk of Jesus into your home?
*Ever feel like you're falling short as a Christian Mother?
*Want to find out more ways & ideas about how to get your children worshipping God?
*Struggling to fit study or even have "me" time?
Well, I think this short workbook is for you! So often I have tried to start devotionals, studies and workbooks that in my mind only ago for 30 days. Surely I could do that right? Nope! Every time I started one, a few days in I would lose interest or become distracted by my mother duties once again.
That gave me the idea for Raise Your Children To Know God- A Seven Day Study that only takes a few minutes a day to read! And is definitely doable!
I am a mother of three boys, and most definitely find that in between parenting, running this ministry, being an author and working, my time can be stretched thin. But I also want to continue to raise my children with the right morals and beliefs, the right attitude and the knowledge that God loves them. Yes, I needed a plan, one that I could stick to. That's why I have put in these workbooks the tips I use and how they work for me.
Read in PDF files or print them out and put them in a binder. Every three months I will be covering other topics, such as Marriage, Personal Time, Friendships and so much more, so maybe you can collect them all!
Within each lesson, you will find
*Practical Ideas
*Personal Stories
*Printable Sheets
Not only can you do this by yourself but you can also recommend it for Church Mother's Groups, Study with a friend for support, or even send me a message!
I pray this study blesses you, and you enjoy that it is short, sweet, packed with ideas and only requires 7 days!
My goal, with your support is to empower, encourage and share the love of God to as many women as we can reach, doing that as a sisterhood!
I believe this workbook should be available to every mother! Just type 0 in the price to download for free or if you would like to donate and support Little Sparrow Loved, even just a small amount helps to encourage more women in the kingdom of God. But please, there's no obligation!
I would love for you to follow me at www.littlesparrowloved.com or on my facebook page at facebook.com/littlesparrowloved , xx
*All Files come in a zip file.
The 7 day Study Raising Your Children to Know God by Little Sparrow Loved